Home > Dodd-Frank Act, Financial Regulation Legislation, Future of Regulation > Dodd-Frank Opposition Adopt New Scare Tactics

Dodd-Frank Opposition Adopt New Scare Tactics

On Friday, April 7th, opposers to the Dodd-Frank act reacted in a new way.  Due to the fact that they do not have the voting power to repeal the act, the opposition (mostly of the republican party) is taking on new scare tactics.  Instead of attacking the whole bill, the opposition is going to attack it piece by piece.  Since the Bill is 120 pages long (small font), the opposition has alot of substance for fire power.  However, attacking the bill piece by piece will only slow the necessary process of reform.  The populus of America believes that this act is necessary and should be installed with fluency.  However with minorities attacking it, I am confident the bill will waste time defending unncessecary scare tactics.  The primary incentive to fight the bill is to give President Obama a worse reputation where hopefully a republican candidate can win the next presidential race.

The writers of the Dodd-Frank act did not immune the bill to changes.  The primary appeal of the act in the first place was that it was easily responsive to change.  Since our economy is going through a drastic change, sections of the DF act are most likely to be altered in some fashion.  However, a full out attach on each section through political incentive is not only wrong, but unconstitutional.

The original article was found in the Wall St Journal on April 6

the link : http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704013604576248982186837122.html

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